Neuromuscular Therapy
From Rotator cuff injuries to daily repetitive action, I use mechanics of injuries knowledge, assessments, anatomy, physiology and experience to create specialized effective treatment sessions.
Assessments include:
- Client History, Posture observation
- Range of motion, Neuro-dynamic and Orthopedic testing based on client needs.
Neuromuscular Massage Tools:
- Trigger Point Therapy
- Deep Transverse Friction Massage
- Myofascial Release
- Somatic Movement
- Working knowledge of Orthopedic and Sports Injury Management and Rehabilitation.
- Pain Education Neuroscience with medical communication skills.

NOTE: As a gift, we offer a special rate for firefighters, law enforcement, military, and veterans. Contact us here for more information. Often times the last to ask for help and most deserving.

Customized Pain Treatment Sessions
Customized session using variety of modalities of massage such as Joint mobilization, Stretching, Trigger point work, Acupressure points, Sports massage, ART or active release technique and more, or tools such as therapeutic gun, soft tissue tools or CBD oil. All designed for the patient specific results with client comfort in the forefront.
60 Minutes – $95
90 Minutes – $125

Medical & Rx Massage or CBD Infused Massage
Treatment sessions prescribed by a doctor (form upon request), treatment sessions that require invoices or “super-bills” for insurance purposes and/or doctor collaboration.
60 Minutes – $135

Lymphatic Drainage Treatment Session
Lymphatic Drainage Treatment Session
Treatment sequences for the management of edema of various geneses including post-traumatic and post-surgical edema; as well as several pathologies such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines, chronic pain reduction and others. Lymphatic drainage session is light touch, systematic manuevering of lymph fluid to assist in natural movement of the system.
60 Minutes – $135

Military/ Veteran / Law Enforcement / Firefighters
Discounted sessions : A gift to veterans, active or National Guard/Law Enforcement and FireFighters. Often times the last to ask for help and most deserving. Must present a valid military ID, DD214 or other documentation.
60 minute Customized Therapy Session – $80
90 minute Customized Therapy session – $100

Cupping Session
Cupping session specific for pain area, includes warm up massage with dynamic cupping, and ends with static cupping. Benefits of cupping: stimulate the peripheral nervous system; increase blood flow areas of inflammation; loosen adhesions, and connective tissue. An alternative to compression forces (like massage) on muscles.
45 Minute Cupping only Session – $65

Infrared sauna session.
Infrared penetrates 2-3 layers within the body, creating increased blood circulation, assists fluid movement, decreases inflammation by increasing white blood cells.
Infrared sauna 20min (initial or add on service) – $25
Infrared sauna 45 min (after initial visit)–$65
Member Infrared sauna (add on) 20 mins – $20 (saving $5)
Member Infrared sauna 45 min – $55 (saving $10)